Monday, September 13, 2010

Project Wild Blog

A tropical storm decided to grace us with its presence the day of Project Wild. I was very impressed that the staff continued on with the workshop as best they could. There were a couple activities throughout the day that we could not partake in or had to be altered, but we made the most of it!
Although the nature hike had to be cancelled along with the "Oh Deer!" activities, we still got to experience a majority of the activities the staff had planned for us. We took a couple of "hikes" through two books that they gave us at the beginning of the workshop, Project Wild and Growing Up Wild. Speaking of those books, I cannot wait to put those to use in the classroom! Both of those books are amazing! As shown below is a picture of a page from Growing Up Wild. On every page it gives you fictional and non-fictional books that are related to the topic, the materials and prep you need for each lesson, the procedure, art projects and songs that relate to the topic, a creative snack, and much more! 
Another activity that we participated in throughout the day was Bingo, but it was 'Wild Bingo' with lots of wildlife questions and statements. We had to go around and get people to sign a square they knew the answer to or that related to them. I learned several wildlife facts that I never knew from playing 'Wild Bingo'. 
The activity shown below was one that an instructor led from Project Wild. All in all, it was a good day. I wish the weather would have been better so I could have received the full experience, but I did leave the workshop with lots of new ideas!

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